Domaine de Rhodes

History from 1556 to today


The Domain of Rhodes, whose history begins in the 16th century, represents a living testimony of European history since its foundation in 1556. Over the centuries, this area has gone through significant periods, reflecting the social, economic and political developments of its time. Today, it presents itself as a place rich in a preserved heritage, attracting historians, researchers and visitors eager to dive into the past to better understand the present. This iconic site continues to play a crucial role in the education and conservation of local and national history.

Beginning of the story: 1556

The year 1556 marks the beginning of the history of the Domain of Rhodes, laying the foundation stone of a long and rich heritage line. This significant date coincided with a period of great change in Europe, including the strengthening of monarchies and the beginning of overseas exploration. The estate, established during this era of transformation, not only survived the tumult of history, but also developed to become a symbol of continuity and perseverance through the ages. Established on the island of Barthelasse, a place strategically located on the Rhône, near Avignon. Initially, it served as a fishing farm, exploiting the abundant resources of the river. This period marks the modest beginnings of the estate, centered on subsistence and fishing.


Become hunting lodge from 1600 to 1700

In the 17th century, the estate underwent a significant transformation under the influence of the region’s nobles. It became a popular hunting lodge, reflecting the social rise of its owners and their proximity to the Avignon elites. Additional buildings are built to accommodate distinguished guests during hunting trips, making Rhodes a center of social and sporting activity.

Renovation and Modernisation(1700 – 1900)

The Rhodes Estate is embellished in the baroque architectural style then neoclassical, popular at that time. French gardens are arranged, and the property is embellished with statues and fountains, transforming the place into a haven of peace and beauty, testifying to the taste for romanticism and art.

During the 19th century, the estate adapted to the era of industrialization. Although less used as a hunting lodge, it remains a testament to agricultural evolution with the introduction of modern land management and agricultural production techniques. The estate became an example of rural modernization, while preserving its historical character.

Going through the great wars and Renaissance from 1900 to today

Affected by world wars, serving at times as a refuge for locals and refugees. After the wars, a period of restoration is necessary to repair the damage. The second half of the century sees the estate reborn as a place of memory and preservation of local history, with restoration efforts to maintain the integrity of historical structures and gardens.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the estate was transformed into a welcoming place for heritage tourism. The old buildings are converted into guest rooms and cottages, combining modern comfort and historic charm. The estate hosts cultural events and receptions, positioning itself as a link between the historical past and respectful contemporary use.

The Domain of Rhodes, in 2024…

In 2024, the Rhodes Estate is not only an accommodation site, but also as a center of the cultural and historical life of the region, attracting visitors eager to discover a living part of the history of the city of Avignon. It symbolizes continuity and adaptation through the ages.